Billy Amberg - Founder
Relevant Experience is Critical When Serving Business Owners as a Financial Advisor.
Facilitating Business, Owner, and Employee Goals for 10+ Years as a Financial Advisor.
Multiple Exits, Including a 50+ Employee Oilfield Services Company.
Multiple Companies Purchased, Including Several SaaS Companies.
Financial Services Industry Veteran. Ex Morgan Stanley.
Recovering Investment Banker and Deal Junkie ;)

O: 404.500.6836
C: 803.530.4558
"We are value creators and have always believed in spending a small amount of our time and effort to have an outsized impact on others, regardless of the certainty of profiting from the exchange.
We have been zealous with paying it forward throughout our careers, and it is critical to our ability to consistently bring on clients that will be with us for a lifetime.
We help until it hurts because we would rather have champions for our cause than mere allies. A core component of our value proposition is the “spend a little, gain a lot” mentality that helps our targets, clients, and investors succeed in all aspects tangent to our business.
Regardless of the trappings of high finance, we are people helping people.
We cannot ever forget that."
- John William "Billy" Amberg, II, Founder